Pick a Babe

Sally Fingerett

Debi Smith

Deirdre Flint

Nancy Moran

Sally Fingerett

Debi Smith

Deirdre Flint

Nancy Moran


The Showthe cast



Sally Fingerett

This second-chance-newly-wed turning 49 for the second time, is "Changing." Her daughter leaves for college, her new husband and stepsons leave the seat up, and with her nest and body in transition, she laments "A Woman's Gotta Do Her Thing,”  while sticking her head in the freezer. 


Debi Smith

“Goddess” to her husband and son, she knows what to do with all 95 pieces in a Sears Craftsman tool kit, can identify antifreeze by its fragrance, and makes pesto from her garden. She sings, she paints, she’s elegant, and looks good playing a wacky Irish drum. How come we still like her?


Nancy Moran

She’s the purple haired half of a DINK couple. (Double Income No Kids). Living in Nashville with her adoring and fabulous husband who cooks and cleans, it's hard to figure out why on earth she has, hmm, an attitude?  Stand back -- the hair is about to speak!


Deirdre Flint

Our 30-something Single Sophisticate, searches for Mr. Right while listening to her heart, her judgmental girlfriends and her inner guidance counselor. Blaming the neglectful "Boob Fairy," she still mourns never having made her high school cheerleading squad.  But tomorrow’s another day.